Storage Management Services
In addition to expert training, Verity Systems can provide high-quality storage management related services for your z/OS installation. With more than thirty years of experience in the mainframe storage environment, Verity Systems can help you meet your need for reliable, efficient functioning of your mission-critical mainframe systems.
Storage System Health, ACS, and FDRABR Analysis
Stuck with incomprehensible ACS code? A proliferation of SMS data classes? Unsure whether the FDR system options make sense? The z/OS System Managed Storage environment can be complex and it's difficult to know if your DFSMS configuration is set up properly. Verity Systsms' Storage Systems Health, ACS, and FDRABR analysis gives you a detailed review of your storage environment, your FDR system options, and your SMS configuration, with recommendations for improvements and enhancements. Call or email us for details and a quote.
FDRABR Product Installation Assistance
The FDRABR system is remarkably straightforward and easy to understand and operate. But in today's fast-paced environment, it's difficult to find the time to carefully understand all of the details involved in the installation, configuration, and deployment of any product. Verity Systems has the expertise to help you with your FDRABR environment, whether you need just a little help with basic setup, or whether it's a larger project involving JCL changes and conversion from another DASD management system. Call or email us for a discussion of your needs and a quote.
Storage Management Consulting and Customization
Have a storage or system-programming project you'd like to complete but just can't find the expertise? VSI can provide custom services from assembler or REXX programming projects to offsite storage administration. Feel free to call or email us for more information (and if we can't do it, we may know someone who can).